Our Unique Process
An old story is told about an American businessman
who went exploring in a distant land. Wishing to learn more about the local language, he pointed to a tree and asked, "What's this?" A man standing nearby replied with a word in his native tongue.
The executive then pointed to a house and his companion gave the same word. The American businessman then pointed in rapid succession at a dog, a bird and a cat. Each time he got the same reply.
He marveled at the simplicity of the language until he realized that what he had been told was actually the word for "index finger."
Well, we all have days like that. Days when you might have wondered whether you'd awakened in a strange land among people with a strange tongue. Days when, no matter how hard you tried, your message simply couldn't get through or your brand was misinterpreted.
Small wonder. It takes a lot these days to cut through all the din and clutter. It takes talent. Clear goals. Bright ideas. Teamwork. And time you may not have to make yourself heard.
Perhaps it's not so surprising. Fact is, no company has a single personality. Each is perceived differently by its various publics. Customers, clients, investors, employees, community leaders... even the media (trade and business) each see a different face.
How do you match your message with your constituencies?
That's where WTB&A's Conceptual Business Analysis comes in.
A strategic planning model and brand development tool, the Conceptual Business Analysis is specially designed to cover a broad spectrum of issues that relate to your mission, markets, products, services, community, and strategic business and marketing goals.
We begin by looking at your identity, character and attributes. We analyze not only how you perceive yourself, but equally important, how others perceive you and your brand. From within and without.
Then we look to your distinguishing characteristics, the kinds of strengths that make you different from your competition... your competitive differentials. Your values and expectations. Your corporate culture. In other words, the attributes that set your firm and your people apart from the rest of the pack.
Because that would only be half the picture, though, we don't stop there. We also want to know what motivates you. Excites you. And help you channel that enthusiasm into new business and marketing opportunities that match clearly defined business objectives.
Once this is accomplished, we can help you develop a strategy for positioning your firm with media relations programs that make sense, not nonsense. A campaign that's based on short- and long-term business goals. Not ego.